One Call Center: (559) 621-CITY (2489)
After-Hours DPU Emergencies: (559) 621-1100
Billing Questions: (559) 621-6888
Code Enforcement: (559) 621-8400
Graffiti Hotline: (559) 621-CITY
Hazardous Household Waste: (559) 600-4259
Mayor/Council Offices: (559) 621-8000
Median Islands (Street Division): (559) 621-1492
Operation Clean Up: (559) 621-1452
Recycling Hotline: (559) 621-1111
Solid Waste Division (Garbage and Recycling): (559) 621-1452
Street Sweeping: (559) 621-1492
Tire Disposal: (559) 621-8400
Public Works, Tree Roots, Street Drainage, Sidewalks, Median Islands, Potholes, Street Tree Trimmings, and Streetlights: (559) 621-1492
Used Motor Oil Curbside Collection: (559) 621-1452
Wastewater, Collection System (Sewer) Maintenance: (559) 621-1496
Water Division: (559) 621-5300
Water Conservation Program: 3-1-1
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